Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Final Pre-Tour Post

It has been over a month since my last post, so I thought it would be nice to confirm that I am actually still updating this.

Firstly a form report. I was quite happy with my final net, consistently pitching the ball up and swinging it miles, seems I've come good at the right time. I am sure that over the tour I will continue to improve and hopefully the wickets will come.

Batting has been pretty normal, not much to report. I should get some decent runs if I get the opportunity.

Drinking form is yet to be properly trialled, I am hoping to make a boat race appearance at some point!

So everything is set for the Singapore match in 3 days time.

The first challenge on tour will be waking up at about 4:15 A.M. on Thursday to be on the bus at 4:45 which will get us to the airport at 6 for a 8 o'clock flight.

You may not hear from me while I'm in Singapore, unless I come across a WiFi area. I should have the net up and running when we arrive in Manchester.

Roll on the '09 Tour!

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